
VACATION RENTAL Tip Line (for trouble with AirBNB or VRBO, etc.)
  • 24/7 Hotline: 1-800-685-7453 or complete the linked form.
  • The form is completed online and, after submission routed directly to the City Vacation Rental Team.
  • If submitted after hours, it is routed directly to Fort Lauderdale Police Department and our Night Enforcement Team for a follow up.
  • The Hotline is a 24/7 service, similar to the City’s customer service line.
  • When callers report their complaint, it is logged and reported to the Vacation Rental Team, if after hours the Night Enforcement Team and Fort Lauderdale Police Department.
  • Complainant Name and Address is required for all complaints, email and phone numbers are optional.
  • Poison Control : (800) 222-1222
  • Non-Emergency Police: (954) 828-5700